Improve adoption of innovative products

Improve adoption of innovative products

There are fascinating new technologies on the horizon inspiring new products and services. We have seen similar innovations in the past, and yet their adoption is often slow at best, or they completely ignored at worst. Why is that and what can you do if you organization has an innovative product or solution it wants to bring to market?

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Envisioning a COVID-19 Recovery

Pandemic stimulus and recovery

Recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic might seem far off, but be we have to start thinking about it now. The pandemic has upended every facet of life for people around the world and in the US. The US government passed a $2.2 trillion CARES Act to help individuals and businesses weather the immediate impacts of the coronavirus. The Federal Reserve has slashed the federal funds target interest rate and pumped more than $4.5 trillion into the economy through various measures to ensure liquidity, price stability, and all out economic collapse. To say all of this is extraordinary is an understatement.

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Improve Engagement Quality With Your Customers

Improve engagement quality with your customers

Organizations lack control over a lot of what happens in the market and the world. This is true during the best of times, and more so during challenging times. Yet, there is always one aspect of business under your control. That is the quality of service you provide your customers. Regardless of what industry you are in, whether you are a B2B or B2C company, and no matter what you sell, you have full control over your relationship with customers.

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Does the Pandemic Mean the End of Globalization?

Pandemic and end of globalization

In a word, no. Globalization is not coming to an end. Certainly we have seen some challenges to globalization efforts over the last several years. The trade war with China, immigration barriers being raised, Brexit, and what appears to be a general retreat of the US in global affairs, the current pandemic can seem the last nail in the coffin for globalization. However, the evidence seems more likely to point to increase global cooperation in the years ahead.

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Millions of Small Data Opportunities

Small data opportunities

Data is king in today’s world. Fortunately, you do not have to be a data scientist to gain some useful insights from the data all around you. There are millions of small data opportunities that you can easily take advantage of right now. These small data opportunities can help you improve your own work or uncover interesting insights that add value to the overall organization.

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